Elvis Reveals How the USA was Obamanated
Well, not really Elvis. You DO accept that the man is dead, right? (Long before Hussein crawled out from under his rock and appeared on the national scene.) But since we’ve featured two Elvis songs...
View ArticleINDEPENDENCE DAY (Up Yours, New World Order.)
It’s pretty sad what has happened to our holidays. Thanksgiving has become Turkey Day; Christmas is now Santa Clause Day, and the Fourth of July has become Fireworks Day. This loss of our American...
View ArticleMulti-Purpose Treason Part 1: Invasion, USA
Virtual Pulp was founded to sell books. That was the avenue we chose to pursue happiness and the American dream. But as that dream is fundamentally transformed into a nightmare, becoming successful...
View ArticleMulti-Purpose Treason Part 2: Shovel-Ready Chaos
Last time I called out the massive illegal immigration fomented by the hijackers of the US government, and how it accomplishes more than one agenda item toward bringing down the American republic. The...
View ArticleLiar, Liar–a Textbook Red Pill Movie
While my footprint shrinks I’m making a point to spend more quality time with family. I left the selection up to them for movie night last weekend and they chose this old Jim Carey vehicle. I laughed a...
View ArticleThere is No Political Solution
Before I explain that title, let me expound on it: There is no political solution to the trouble America is in. There is no economic solution. There certainly is no racial solution. There is no...
View ArticleDon’t Let Donald’s Swag Trump Your Brain
Let’s be honest: by addressing the invasion along our southern border, Donald Trump has elevated himself in our eyes well above the cowards in the GOP who refuse to even speak on the issue. For that...
View ArticleDebating the SJWs
“Know your enemy” is a wise axiom usually attributed to Sun Tzu, but probably goes back even farther, almost to the first human conflicts. Vox Day’s new bestseler, SJWs Always Lie, is a long overdue...
View ArticleMessing With Texas
At a truck stop not far inside the border after leaving Louisiana, I stepped out of the restroom and couldn’t help noticing a display of signs, T-shirts and bumper stickers. The first one I read said:...
View ArticlePraise For the Harboiled Gearhead Rock&Roller Detective
Deke Jones is an unapolagetic alpha male (sigma according to Vox Day’s breakdown of the socio-sexual hierarchy) but also an irreverent loner, whose passion is cars and music, and just happens to make a...
View ArticleIs NASCAR Selling Out, Too?
I’ve loved football since junior high, but the recent complete assimilation of the NFL into the cultural Marxist Borg has disgusted me to the point that the Superbowl is the only game I’ll watch…if...
View ArticleSuperheroes and “The Narrative”
Just what is “The Narrative,” you ask? The Narrative is a conglomeration of messages rammed down our throats by government, academia, every medium of pop culture, and the blue pill sheeple who orient...
View ArticleThe Flash on Netflix
Smallville paved the way for Arrow, and The Flash spun off from that. If you noticed that Smallville became increasingly ridiculous and unimaginative after Season One, you might suspect that the same...
View ArticleGotham on Netflix
Continuing with my superhero miniseries, I now turn to the latest reboot of the Batman mythos. First off, as I pointed out in Superheroes and The Narrative: …Frankly, you have to hand it to the pop...
View ArticleDaredevil on Netflix
So far, there is only one season’s worth of episodes on Netflix. I watched them all to the end without puking. I do admit to some groans and eye-rolls, but grading on the curve, that’s an A+ for a...
View ArticleTrump, the GOP, and the Republican Base
Brilliance is subjective, I guess. Sometimes the originality of something makes it brilliant. But sometimes, brilliance comes from the “duh” factor–something that should have been obvious, finally put...
View ArticleMusings on White Nationalism
For the glass-is-half-full crowd, there is a lot to celebrate right now. For the first time in perhaps a century, The Narrative is coming under widespread scrutiny, and increasing rejection. Never...
View ArticleScalia Was a Speed Bump on the Expressway to Fundamental Transformation
Just when the Obamanible Backstabbing Treason Machine is kicking into high gear, one of the last men with the means, inclination, and backbone to impede it is found dead “OF NATURAL CAUSES” with a...
View ArticleTrump’s Hesitation to Condemn Duke: What Does it Mean?
The nature of Trump’s response to the endorsement from David Duke is different depending on what source reports it. In the “mainstream” (left-wing) media echo chamber, of course, it means Trump is the...
View ArticleSJW Hypocrisy Sparked White Nationalism
Politics today are so full of hypocrisy, it makes politicians of yesteryear seem like straight-shooters, by comparison. The rampant hypocrisy in feminism, for example, is pushing men into red pill...
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